
All Transmoto Enduro Events use an online entry system, with entries typically opening 6-8 weeks prior to the event’s weekend (the best way to keep yourself in the loop is to click ‘Going’ on the relevant Facebook event page).

Each team needs to decide who their team captain is (Ironman riders are their own ‘captain’) as this rider will be responsible for entering details for all of their team members in one hit (and make the total payment) to complete the online entry.

Online entries are split up into two instalments:

  • 1.) 48-Hour Priority Entry: Transmoto Tribe Members only.
  • 2.) General Entry: Anyone who’s not a Tribe Member.


As Transmoto’s events typically sell out fast, we created a priority entry system a few years back. In a nutshell, here’s how it works:

48-Hour Priority: Transmoto Tribe members automatically receive 48-hour priority-entry access into all enduro events, which gives them the best possible chance of scoring an entry before the event sells out. This 48-hour priority applies to all Transmoto Enduro Events* and is just one of the many perks of being a Tribe member. Click here to find out more.

 *NOTE: Everybody on the team must be a signed-up Tribe member to qualify for the 48-hour priority entry.

And why is it that everyone on the team must be a signed-up Tribe member to qualify for the 48-hour priority entry?
In short, to prevent people ‘gaming’ the system. It prevents a situation whereby 150 Teams of 4 (which represents an event’s entire cap of 600 riders) are snapped up by 150 teams whose captain is the only Tribe Member on the team (depriving everyone else of an entry).

Plus, there’s much more to Tribe membership than the 48-hour priority entry into events. For example, you also get a welcome pack worth more or less what it costs to join, and exclusive access to product giveaways and special offers. Click here to find out more.


To complete the online entry, the team captain will need to have the following information for each of their team members:

  • Team name (for Teams and Pairs only)
  • Team category (for Teams only): Weekend Warriors, Mixed, Young Guns, Wise Wizards, Wonder Women, Open
  • Captain name and email address (for Teams and Pairs only)
  • Rider name(s)
  • Gender
  • Email address
  • Postal address
  • Mobile number
  • Date of birth and age
  • Motorcycle (make, model, year)
  • Do you have a current annual MA Licence? If ‘Yes’, provide current MA Licence number and expiry date. If ‘No’, $100 will be charged for each rider requiring a One Event Competition Licence (OECL), which will be added to the total entry fee.
  • Are you a current member of a MA-affiliated club? If ‘No’, $10 will be charged for each rider requiring a temporary club membership, which will be added to the total entry fee.
  • Do you have Ambulance Cover? (It is the rider’s responsibility to have current ambulance coverage to ride the event.)
  • T-Shirt size (for official event T-Shirt)


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Transmoto has always focused on staging non-elite, team-based dirt-bike events that encourage participation through their relaxed atmosphere, custom-built courses and emphasis on fun, not officialdom.


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