06/10/2022 events


Hi there, folks. Unfortunately, we’ve got bad news. And a bit of good news that we hope will soften the blow…

The situation at the host venue: Due to 10 months of relentless, record-breaking rainfall in the NSW Northern Rivers region, the venue scheduled to host the 2022 Transmoto 8-Hour at Clarence Valley (near Upper Fine Flower) is currently so waterlogged that the event will not be able to proceed this year. 

While the floods that went through the Clarence Valley region in February (think upstream from Lismore) has significantly reshaped the venue’s landscape and created major washouts in some areas, it’s been the ongoing rainfall that has rendered the property unviable. 

In particular, one section of track that divides the front and back of the property is unpassable for medical vehicles, meaning the back 8km of bush and singletrack would have no available access for medical recovery. 

The extensive damage to the venue’s access roads, pit paddock and race loop simply makes the running of the event infeasible . 

So, rather than release more entries to the public (for those wondering why the event’s entries haven’t opened up yet) and then cancel it closer to the event, the decision has been taken to move the event to 2023.

The shame of it is, this venue could well be one of the best tracks we’ve seen for a Transmoto event. The race loop was designed to be 50/50 bush and grasstrack, with epic undulating pasture paddocks and a challenging singletrack section thrown into the mix. 

Now, the good news: The revised date for the Clarence Valley event will be the weekend of July 22-23, 2023.



So, what are your options as an existing Team, Pairs or Ironman entrant into the 2022 Transmoto 8-Hour at Clarence Valley? You can:

  • Do nothing, and the entry will be automatically transferred to the rescheduled date in July, 2023 (the benefit of which is that you’ll be assured of an entry in case the event sells out – which most events do!);
  • If you need to make a rider(s) swap for the 2023 event, that’s no problem. Just drop us a line at getus@transmoto.com.au closer to the event’s date.
  • Have your team captain request a team refund* using this link by midnight on Sunday, October 30 (after which the standard refund policy comes into effect); or
  • For any other enquiries, send us an email (getus@transmoto.com.au) and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

* NOTE: Refund requests will be processed within five (5) business days. Just bear in mind that, with most banks, it can take up to 10 working days for the funds to appear in your account.



As most of you who live on the Eastern Seaboard will know, this year has been insanely wet. The vast majority of farms where Transmoto events are held (in NSW, Vic. and Qld) have been affected in some way in 2022, and the Clarence Valley venue has been the hardest hit of them all. Put simply, the current wet conditions at the property have made access for both entrants and medical vehicles impossible, and compromising the safety of entrants is something we’re not prepared to do. 

One of the beauties of Transmoto Events is the fact they’re staged from grass paddocks on picturesque farmland (not from a permanent MX track-like facility) and boast race loops that are custom-built to be used only once a year. But that also means these venues just can’t handle the amount of traffic the event brings in if the ground is sodden. And while a few ruts and bumps on the racetrack are to be expected, irreparable damage to the camping area, paddocks and access roads isn’t. That would fly in the face of our ethos of leaving all properties with as little impact as possible and maintaining good long-term relationships with landowners.

Speaking of which, we can’t thank the Elks family (Tammy, Steve and their sons) enough for all their hard work on the venue to date, and for their understanding in allowing riders to shift their 2022 entry to the revised date in July, 2023, when we’ll finally get the opportunity to showcase their epic property to all of you.

We hope the majority of you retain your Clarence Valley entry for the 2023 date. Aside from the fact that’ll guarantee your team a spot (as most Transmoto events sell out very quickly), this first-time Transmoto Enduro Event property is so good, it has to be seen to be believed. Think 3000 acres of prime private property with vast tracts of rolling green grass hills, and an intoxicating blend of firetrail and singletrack thrown in to mix things up. Yep, an absolute riding paradise!


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Transmoto has always focused on staging non-elite, team-based dirt-bike events that encourage participation through their relaxed atmosphere, custom-built courses and emphasis on fun, not officialdom.


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