01/10/2021 events

Your 2022 Transmoto Enduro Events Calendar

Can you smell it? We can. It’s 2022. It’s right around the corner and it carries a distinct hint of fresh loam.

Safe to say that getting out and riding Transmoto events this year has been pretty tough going for some. Those who got to sample the 8-Hours at Coffs, Stroud, and Cooby Dam sure had the best of it. The Banana Benders and the Sand Gropers have had it pretty good, but the poor pricks in Melbourne and the old Sydney Cockroaches have had a bloody shocker the past few months.

There’s big talk getting thrown around in political circles about “opening up” and “living with Covid”, etc, etc …  we just hope that means getting out with our mates and putting on some memorable events again.

In that spirit, and amidst a million date changes and postponements for 2021 events, we thought we’d get our shit together a bit earlier this year and lift the skirt on the planned Transmoto dates and locations for the can’t-wait-for-it year ahead: 2022!

Here’s how it’s shaping up…

2022 Transmoto Enduro Event Calendar 

  • Transmoto 10-Hour @ Tumut, NSW – Feb 26-27 (entries available in December)
  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ Coffs Harbour, NSW – Mar 19-20 (entries available in January)
  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ (Venue TBA), Qld – May 14-15
  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ Stroud, NSW – June 18-19
  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ Clarence Valley, NSW – July 30-31
  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ Young, NSW – Sept 10-11
  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ Wangaratta, Vic – Sept 24-25
  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ (Venue TBA), NSW – Oct 15-16

While we are still in 2021, you might have noticed that we’ve made the call to shift the planned Tumut 10-Hour event in October over to February to kick off the 2022 year. Originally we had hoped to get this away in October, but as it looks like many riders won’t have the chance to travel freely around the state (or across borders) until early November at best, there is just too much uncertainty to get this event up.

With the current challenges in Victoria, the 2021 8-Hour at Wangaratta is looking dicey, but we’ll make an official call on that in mid-October. All entered riders will have the priority to retain their highly sought-after entry for 2022 (it sold out in 30 minutes) or they can forfeit their team entry and request a team refund. Keep your throttle fingers crossed for a Covid Christmas miracle that might actually allow us to get Wang done in November.

If you are on the hunt for some summer threads, check out our all-new Transmoto Apparel site for fresh T’s, caps, hoods and accessories for you and the family. See more here.

Questions? Drop us a line at getus@transmoto.com.au


– The Transmoto Crew


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Transmoto has always focused on staging non-elite, team-based dirt-bike events that encourage participation through their relaxed atmosphere, custom-built courses and emphasis on fun, not officialdom.


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