
2020 Transmoto Events – Revised 2020 Calendar

Posted in Latest News
19/08/2020 events

Yesterday, the NSW Government announced some unexpected changes to the restrictions that apply to community sport, and these will have an immediate kick in the pipe for Transmoto events. Long story short, they don’t want people from different regions travelling to or participating in community sport, and then potentially carting the filthy Covid bug back to their communities (regardless of how watertight the event’s Covid-Safe protocols are).

Considering Transmoto events are all about bringing the moto tribe together from far-flung regions of the state, this has an immediate impact to our event program. In short, they can’t run for at least the next six weeks – which means no option but to change the calendar again.

All things going to plan, the revised calendar will look like this:

  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ Stroud: Oct 17-18 (as originally scheduled);
  • Transmoto 8-Hour @ Coffs Harbour: Oct 31 – Nov 1 (moved from Sept 26-27);
  • Transmoto 12-Hour @ Batemans Bay: Nov 14-15 (moved from Oct 31 – Nov 1);
  • This year’s 8-Hour events at Clarence Valley, Wangaratta and a Queensland venue all remain TBC at this point, pending developments in community sport restrictions and border closures.

These heightened restrictions to community sport certainly took us by surprise – especially in light of the fact we successfully staged our first Transmoto event of the year, the 6-Hour at Nabiac on August 8-9. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate these new restrictions, and look forward to sharing the riding stoke with you all again in October and November. And possibly even December!? But at this point, who knows?

We’ll keep you updated on any developments via Transmoto’s Facebook event pages and website. If you already have an entry into the Transmoto 8-Hour at Coffs, we’ll get in touch directly with your team captain in the coming week to outline options.

At this stage, entries for the Transmoto 8-Hour at Stroud are scheduled to go on sale in mid-September.

If you want to see details of the new guidelines and recommendations that apply to community sport in NSW, here’s a full transcript of what was released this week by both NSW Health and Sport NSW.


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Transmoto has always focused on staging non-elite, team-based dirt-bike events that encourage participation through their relaxed atmosphere, custom-built courses and emphasis on fun, not officialdom.


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